The Charles Simeon Lay School of Theology
The mission of the Charles Simeon Lay School of Theology (LSOT) is to prepare lay people for leadership in the Church through theological education and ministerial training. All of our courses are FREE and we offer FREE child care for students.
Eastertide Semester 2025
Click or tap the course title to expand.
This class will help participants explore the teaching of one of the Church’s greatest theologians, St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274). Reading will focus on selections from St. Thomas’ Summa Theologiae which have particular significance for the Church right now. The Summa Theologiae is an intricate blend of Scripture, doctrine, spiritual teaching, and moral guidance. For St. Thomas, the Christian life consists of certain intellectual, spiritual, and moral virtues which must all be held and practiced together. While the Summa Theologiae is formidable in bulk and depth, we want to remember that the “beginners” for whom it was written were members of the Dominican order, priests who specialized in preaching, hearing confessions, teaching, and giving spiritual direction. Each class session will focus on a major theme and its spiritual significance for us today:
This class will be taught by the The Rev'd Canon Dr. Michael Petty
May 7: The Strangeness of God: Christian Spirituality Begins with the Truth about God
May 14: The Strange Creature Called Human: The Spiritual Creature with a Physical Body
May 21: Why the Moral Life and the Spiritual Life are Organically Connected
May 28: Christ and the Eucharist: Christian Spirituality as Union with Christ
In this class we will explore the significance of Christian tradition and spirituality and how Calvin's theology can help form a deeper biblical understanding of what it means to be truly spiritual. His theology is above all practical and he wrote that doctrine is not understood by the intellect and memory only, "but is received only when it possesses the whole soul, and finds its seeds and [application] in the inmost recesses of the heart." J.I. Packer said John Calvin was the most influential man in the world during his day. And Alistair McGrath wrote, " is impossible to understand modern Protestantism without coming to terms with John Calvin's legacy to the movement which he did so much to nourish and sustain." That movement was the Reformation and its driving force was to lead the Church back to its roots in God’s word and a rich spirituality. For Calvin, the essence of right living was spiritual. Calvin was well acquainted with the cost of discipleship. The distress of exile, the burden of poverty, the hurt of slander and misrepresentation, the threat of physical harm, were all things he knew first hand, and his view of Christian spirituality as a result is seen in his understanding and exposition of living the Christian life. His theology produced the Puritans in England, the Huguenots in France, the ‘Beggars' in Holland, the Covenanters in Scotland, and the Pilgrim Fathers of New England, and more. I invite you to join me in looking at this remarkable and godly man from whom we can learn a great deal.
This class will be taught by the Rev’d. Dr. Jeff Trostle.
When: Wednesdays, 6–8:00 pm | May 7, 14. 21, and 28
Location: St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral
Videos of previously presented Lay School of Theology Classes
Current Class Recordings Are Uploaded As They Are Made Available
Facing Death: A Christian’s Journey To Life Everlasting
Presented Eastertide 2024. Facing Death: A Christian’s Journey to Life Everlasting, is a 6-week course taught by a panel of experts covering a range of essential topics that every Christian would benefit from. This class is for everyone – whether you are nearing the end of life, have a loved one in that stage, or are just seeking discipleship in this aspect of life.
God's Design for Wholeness: Developmental Psychology and Our Christian Formation
Presented Advent 2023 by The Rt. Rev’d Jim Hobby & Nate Webster, LMHC
The Resurrection: The Origin and Goal of the Christian Life
Presented Eastertide 2023 by The Rev’d Canon Dr. Michael W. Petty
The Life and History of the Church
Presented Eastertide 2023 by Jennifer Webster
Instruction in Sound Doctrine
Presented Advent 2022 by The Rev’d Canon Dr. Michael W. Petty
Faith of the New Testament: God, Gospel, Mission
Presented Spring 2022 by The Rev’d Canon Dr. Michael W. Petty
Dr. William "bill" Price
lay school of theology student
I have been a Christian my whole life and, at certain periods, have met some good mentors in the faith. However, I have learned more and grown more under the influence of Fr. Michael Petty and the Lay School of Theology, during the past three years, than I have for the entire rest of my life. Christianity is more real to me, my daily devotions are more meaningful, and I feel a closer communication with my Creator. My only regret is that this treasure of experience is not available to all people, as they enter into their Christian growth.